At the shop, we recently created a Community Grieving Space.

With all that is going on these days, it feels as though we don't often get the opportunity to truly process and reflect on events happening both in the world and in our local communities. It's easy for so many of us to feel small and helpless, with our voices drowned out by people who carry great power to make harmful decisions. We seem to lack the love and care that we require to live, to thrive, and to feel joy.

Hopefully with this space, our community will have the chance to pause – to sit with their feelings, take note of them, and experience a sense of release by contributing to our wish wall. Writing down our thoughts can be a helpful way of processing emotions, and we welcome you to even just sit in the calm of the space to rest or meditate, and feel your feelings.

Sending our love and best wishes to you all. We are dreaming of a place where we can all feel safe & validated – a place where we are protected and held with care.

UPDATE (9/1/22): Although the full installation came down after June 16, we ended up keeping the Wish Wall, now located at the front of the shop indefinitely.
Visit during our open shop hours.
Visit during our open shop hours.