Collection: 變身 Make Up!

變身 Make Up! captures the moment Usagi transforms into Sailor Moon. Anime transformation scenes, though often brief, are deeply personal and magical for the character and the viewer alike. These moments resonate with Helen as she immerses herself in her own creative world, feeling like a magician, transmuting the blank page into art both big and small.

While this exhibition is rather personal, Helen hopes it resonates as a universal experience. This collection brings together both new works and existing pieces created since her move from Hong Kong to New York City in 2021, all connected by the central theme of transformation and nostalgia.

Helen So • Miiasoey (she/her) is a Hong Kong-born artist​ currently based in the NYC metropolitan area. Helen often draws inspiration from nature, as well as her Cantonese heritage, work​ing across both physical and digital mediums, including ink drawing, watercolor, acrylic painting, collage, and digital illustration. She is also passionate about creating zines and artwork that can be considered "children’s books for adults." Her work encourages grown-ups to unlearn societal rules and reconnect with their inner child.

Learn more on the show and artist here.

變身 Make Up!