Ana Krent: In My Pockets

Ana Krent: In My Pockets

From Here to Sunday presents
Ana Krent: In My Pockets 
October 19 - November 17
 Opening Reception: October 19, 2-5pm

In My Pockets explores the things we carry with us, both physically and emotionally. It examines the meaning of home and how we keep close what comforts us. But it also considers how there are things we cannot hold onto forever. The show emphasizes the transitory nature of life cycles, and how the fragile body is always undergoing change. Every day we are becoming, never stagnant. There is both beauty in holding onto memories and comfort as well as letting it fall away and embracing discomfort as we learn and grow. There is something quite amazing about always becoming anew, releasing, and remaking. Things will never be the same, and that’s okay.

Throughout the exhibition, one is met with a variety of bodies made up of fragile pieces which protect, as well as enclose, in ways that can transform comfort into suffocation. The accumulation of what we carry with us is meaningful but also heavy, sometimes dragging us down as we continue onward. The show emphasizes vulnerability and how things open and close either to let in or out. The body uses its autonomy to decide what it wants to accept and what it chooses to reject. In being vulnerable and opening ourselves up to change, we also discover the strength and courage that our malleable bodies are capable of. Our softness proves strong. 

Ana Krent (she/they) is an illustrator, born and raised in Brooklyn, NY. They appreciate going on long walks and collecting random little objects! They love writing short stories and poetry, and exploring a variety of mediums through her illustration practice. They especially enjoy working with ink and watercolor, paper, clay, and found materials :•) Ana attended Parsons School of design where her work for In My Pockets was first born and displayed in her thesis show. They are now bringing their work over to From Here to Sunday where their first solo show will debut!

Instagram: @ana.sketch

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This show is part of Gowanus Open Studios (Oct 19-20).
Make a day of it! 
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